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Study in Australia

Why Study in Australia?

After the U.K. and the U.S., Australia is the 3rd most popular study destination in the world for international students. Australia has several top-ranked universities; and since their higher education is based on the British model, you can rest assured that you’ll receive world-class training in your chosen study field. Additionally, universities feature some of the most cutting-edge student facilities and all of them collaborate with well-known research centres around the country and around the world.

In Australia, you can find a highly cosmopolitan environment in universities and throughout all major cities. You may be more intrigued to find that, since everything is international in Australia, there is also a global influence on the cuisine and restaurants.

10 reasons to study in Australia

Did you know Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world behind only the United Kingdom and the United States despite having a population of only 23 million? This isn’t surprising when you consider Australia has seven of the top 100 universities in the world! In fact, with over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions, Australia sits above the likes of Germany, the Netherlands and Japan, ranking eighth in the Universitas 2012 U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems.

These are strong academic credentials, but our institutions are just as highly rated as the cities that house them around the country. Australia has five of the 30 best cities in the world for students based on student mix, affordability, quality of life, and employer activity – all important elements for students when choosing the best study destination. And with more than A$200 million provided by the Australian Government each year in international scholarships, we’re making it easier for you to come and experience the difference an Australian education can make to your future career opportunities.

Do you have a specific study area of interest? There is every chance Australia has you covered, with at least one Australian university in the top 50 worldwide across the study areas of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Life & Agricultural Sciences, Clinical Medicine & Pharmacy, and Physics.

Given this impressive education pedigree, it’s not surprising there are now more than 2.5 million former international students who have gone on to make a difference after studying in Australia. Some of these students are among the world’s finest minds. In fact, Australia has produced 15 Nobel prize laureates and every day over 1 billion people around the world rely on Australian discoveries and innovations – including penicillin, IVF, ultrasound, Wi-Fi, the Bionic Ear, cervical cancer vaccine and Black Box Flight Recorders – to make their lives, and the lives of others, better.

Practical Information

How to apply to universities in Australia

You have two methods for applying to a university in Australia:

1.You can apply online, directly for the university study programme, by downloading the application form and submitting all required documents.

 If your application is successful, you will receive a ‘Letter of Offer’. To confirm your application, you must reply to this letter by signing and sending an acceptance of the offer.

2. You can also apply on a special website dedicated to higher education studies in Australia. Each programme has an application section where you can find all the requirements for applying.

Make sure you qualify for an Australian university

Take Preparation Courses: These kinds of courses enable degree-seeking students to get an extra educational boost just before they start their Master’s degree or other post-graduate degree programme. Try a pre-M.B.A., pre-Law, or pre-Medicine programme, as well as any other foundation or preparation courses that will allow you to study in the degree programme of your choice.

Improve your English through an English-language prep course: If you’re attending a degree programme in Australia, you will sometimes need to prove that your language skills are good enough to participate in the classes and understand the lectures. These courses will also prepare you for any of the English-language tests that universities require.

English-language tests

There are over 60,000 English-taught programmes in Australia.

Universities in Australia will want to see proof that you have good English-language skills, so that you can easily succeed in their courses. All Australian universities accept these official English exams:

  • C1 Advanced

What is it like to study in Australia

Australian universities have a long history of welcoming international students and helping them adjust to a new university system. Universities help students arrange accommodation, organise special student orientation weeks, and provide several other student services throughout the year.

University education in Australia is mostly focused using problem-based learning, helping you become an independent learner.

Successful completing a course usually depends on whether you pass a mid or final exam. University classes are usually flexible and you can mostly choose how much effort to put in and how to approach learning.

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