the World Buddhist University (WBU)
(As amended by the 29th General Conference of the WFB and the 11th Meeting of the WBU Council)
On 4 December BE 2540/CE 1997, at the 56th Meeting of the WFB Executive Council held at the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) headquarters recommended that the WFB should establish an international university to be devoted to the WFB Charter objectives of promoting Buddhist education and propagation of Buddhism.
On 1 November BE 2541/CE 1998, at its 20th General Conference of the WFB unanimously approved the establishment of an international university under the auspices of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, to be known as the World Buddhist University (WBU) [Resolution No. 2]. At its 20th General Conference, the WFB formally adopted Charter of the WBU.
On 9 December BE 2543/CE 2000, at its 21st General Conference of the WFB in Thailand, WBU was formally inaugurated by His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, the 19th Supreme Patriarch of Kingdom of Thailand as a part of celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the WFB.
On 13 December BE 2545/CE 2002, at its 22nd General Conference, the WFB approved three amendments to the Charter of WBU as recommended by the 6th Meeting of the WBU Council [Resolution XII].
On 22 February BE 2547/CE 2004, the WFB EXCO approved three amendments to the Charter of WBU: Organization and Procedures of the Council [Statute No. 1], Criteria for the Recognition of Associated Centres and Individual scholars [Statute No. 2], and Invitations to Become Associated Centres [Statute No.3]
1. The World Buddhist University shall be an international community of Buddhist scholars, engaged in research, postgraduate training, Buddhist practice, Buddhist education and dissemination of Buddhism in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the Constitution of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. In achieving its stated objectives, it shall function under the sponsorship of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, the WFB’s Regional Centres, through a central programming and coordinating body and a network of research and postgraduate training centres and programmes located in the World Fellowship of Buddhists headquarters and its Regional Centres countries.
The main purpose of the World Buddhist University are as follows:
(a) To serve as a coordinating Centre to exchange academic works, research and development and related information at regional and international levels.
(b) To develop and promote the science of Buddhist education to be more universally accessible.
(c) To offer alternatives for educational system aiming to perfect development of human being and society together with creation of more civilized world in accordance with law of nature (Dhamma).
(d) To involve Buddhism in solving regional and global crises.
(e) To provide and facilitate Buddhist academic services to the World Fellowship of Buddhists, its members and organizations working for the same ends.
(f) To provide a web-based Buddha-portals where all information and courses of Buddhist studies and Buddhism related courses available in universities around the world on portal based search engine of the WBU for instant, efficient and easy access to public.
2. The WB University shall devote its work to research into the practice and propagation of Buddhism, solidarity amongst Buddhists and welfare that are the concern of the WFB and its regional centres, with due attention to the Buddhist education and the humanities as well as working for securing peace and harmony amongst men and happiness for all beings and collaborating with other organizations working for the same ends.
3. The research programmes of the WB University shall include, among other subjects, coexistence amongst peoples having different cultures, Buddhist lineages, languages and social systems; peaceful relations between other world religions and the maintenance of peace and security; human rights; social change and development; basic Buddhist research and the application of the results in the interests of development of Buddhist education and Buddhism; and universal human values related to the sustainability of Buddhist practice and improvement of the quality of life.
4. In its training, the WB University shall assist scholars especially the young ones, to participate in research in order to increase their capability to contribute to the extension, application and diffusion of Buddhist knowledge. The University may also undertake training of persons who will serve in international or national programmers, particularly in regard to an interdisciplinary approach to problems.
5. The WB University shall promote Buddhist practice through global meditation networks or other means for enhancement of the profundity of the Dhamma.
6. The WB University and all those who work in it shall act in accordance with the spirit of the provisions of the Constitution of the World Fellowship of Buddhists and with the fundamental principles of international Buddhist norm.
7. The WB University shall organize Buddhist education programmers at the certain levels to meet the needs of the WFB Regional Centres and the academic networks through an interdisciplinary approach with Buddhism as a core subject.
8. The WB University shall disseminate the knowledge gained in its activities to the WFB and its Regional Centres, to scholars and to the public, in order to increase dynamic interaction in the worldwide Buddhist community of learning and research.
9. The WB University shall have as a central objective of its research and training centres and programmes the continuing growth of vigorous Buddhist academic and Buddhist communities everywhere and particularly in the WFB regional centres, devoted to their vital needs in the fields of learning and research within the framework of the aims assigned to those centres and programmes in the present Charter. It shall endeavour to alleviate the intellectual isolation of persons in such communities in the regional centres which might otherwise become a reason for their misunderstanding of Buddhist doctrines and disorganising of Buddhist organisations.
10. In its postgraduate training the WB University shall assist Buddhist scholars, especially young Buddhist scholars, to participate in research in order to increase their capability to contribute to the extension, application and diffusion of Buddhist knowledge. The WB University may also undertake the training of persons who will serve in international or national Buddhist educational assistance programmes, particularly in regard to an interdisciplinary approach to the problems with which they will be called upon to deal.
1. The WB University shall enjoy autonomy within the framework of the WFB. It shall also enjoy the academic freedom required for the achievement of its objectives, with particular reference to the choice of subjects and methods of research and training, the selection of persons and institutions to share in its tasks, and freedom of expression. The WB University shall decide freely on the use of the financial resources allocated for the execution of its functions and activities.
2. The Rector, with the approval of the WBU Council, shall conclude on behalf of the WFB such agreements with Regional Centres and other organisations where the WB University and its networks operate as are necessary to ensure academic freedom and autonomy.
3. The WB University in WFB Regional Centres are free to design their own networks provided they reports development to the WB University headquarters.
1. The WB University shall consist of:
(a) A WBU Council which shall serve as the governing board of the WB University;
(b) A Rector, who shall be responsible to the Council for the direction, administration, programming and coordination of the University;
(c) A WB University Centre to assist the Rector in the programming, coordination, support, administration and financing of the overall WB University programme, with a staff responsible to the Rector, and organised so as to ensure effective and prompt action;
(d) The research and training centres and programmes.
(e) WB University Secretariat should responsible for communicating and collaborating WB University networks with other universities, institutions and WFB Regional Centres.
(f) Others to be assigned.
2. For purposes of advanced research and short course training, postgraduate training, Buddhist practice and educational development the WBU Council may designate, on grounds of academic excellence, certain institutions and centres, or parts thereof, particularly in the WFB regional centres and countries, as associated institutions of the WB University, on terms and conditions to be decided on by the WBU Council.
3. In order to accomplish its purposes and programmes, the WB University may organize internationally coordinated research with appropriate institutions and individuals in various parts of the world, by contractual or other arrangements.
1. There shall be a Council of the WB University (hereinafter referred to as “the WBU Council”), to be established on a broad geographical basis with due regard to major academic, religious, educational, social and cultural trends in the world, taking into account the various fields of Buddhist study, with appropriate representation of scholars. The WBU Council shall have not less than 17 but not more than 25 members serving in their individual capacity, who shall be appointed by the President of the WFB in consultation with WFB's Executive Council. The Rector shall be an ex-officio member of the WBU council and serve as the secretary of the council.
2. The President of the WFB appoints two WBU Council members as a Vice Chairperson of America, Europe, and Oceania regional group and Asia and Africa regional group.
3. The President of the WFB and a representative of the host country where the University Centre is located shall be ex-officio members of the WBU Council. The WBU Council may invite representatives of concerned organizations and academic bodies to attend the meeting of the WBU Council as observers.
4. The term of office of the WBU Council's members shall be five years. No appointed member of the WBU Council may serve continuously for more than ten years or two terms. The WBU Council shall be consulted with regard to the replacing retired members.
5. The WBU Council shall:
(a) Formulate principles and policies which shall govern the activities and operations of the WB University;
(b) Adopt such statutes as may be necessary for the application of the Charter;
(c) Decide upon the setting up or incorporation of the research, training and Buddhist practice centres and programmes which constitute the totality of the WB University in establishing standards for their operation either on its own authority, in cases where they are set up, or by agreement in cases where they are being incorporated;
(d) Consider and approve the work programme and adopt the budget of the WB University on the basis of proposals submitted to it by the Rector;
(e) Consider reports of the Rector on the activities of the WB University and on the execution of its plans of work;
(f) Issue directives and take measures within the framework of the present Charter;
(g) Make whatever recommendations it may deem either necessary or desirable for the effective functioning of the WB University;
(h) Report annually to the President of the WFB, the WFB's Executive Council and/of the WFB’s General Conference through the Honorary Secretary General of the WFB, respectively, on the work of the WB University;
(i) Create such subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary.
5. The WBU Council shall meet in regular session at least once a year, and shall be convened by the Rector. It shall elect its Chairman and other officers and shall adopt rules of procedure, including procedures for convening special sessions as necessary.
6. The WBU Council shall consider the methods of financing the WB University with a view to ensuring the effectiveness of its future operations, their continuity and the WB University's autonomous character within the framework of the WFB. It shall also consider the various kinds of arrangements under which institutions and individuals may be associated with its work, and the criteria to be met by such institutions and individuals in order to ensure the maintenance of the highest academic standards.
7. The WBU Council shall grant to Buddhist research and training centres and programmes, particularly in WFB Regional Centres, adequate resources to ensure that the academic staff, equipment and working conditions meet the standards for Buddhist research, training and programmes with sharing and partnership of the respective host institutions.
1. The Rector of the WB University shall be appointed by the President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists in conformity with the following procedures. The WBU Council shall appoint a nominating committee of three members and shall delegate its Chairman and two other members to a Nominating Committee, to which the President of the WFB and the representative of the host country shall appoint one member each. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a panel of candidates not less than three and not more than five names, arranged in alphabetical order, for consideration by the Council. The Council has approved the panel, it shall transmit its approval to the President of the WFB. The President with his concurrence shall appoint one of the candidates as Rector.
2. As WBU is a sub-organization under WFB which is non-profit Buddhist organization, the Rector of the WB University equal to an ‘Honorary Rector’ which means the University will not pay any stipend and honorarium. In writing, it may be possible to write as ‘Rector (Honorary)’ or just ‘Rector.’
3. The Rector shall normally serve for five years and shall be eligible for reappointment for one more term of five years. Conditions of the service of the Rector shall be determined by the WBU Council in consultation with the President of the WFB.
4. The Rector has authority to nominate and appoint Vice-Rectors (Honorary) for Academic, Finance, Administrative Affairs and others as deemed necessary. Every administrative position of WB University contribute as a non-paid Buddhist staff.
5. The Rector shall be an ex-officio member of the WBU Council and chief academic and administrative officer of the WB University. The Rector shall have over-all responsibility for the direction, organization, administration and programmes of the WB University, in accordance with the general policies and criteria formulated by the WBU Council. The Rector shall, inter alia:
(a) Submit the plan of work and the budget estimates of the University to the WBU Council for its consideration and approval;
(b) Direct the activities connected with the execution of the research training, Buddhist and educational programmes and authorize the expenditures provided in the budget approved by the WBU Council;
(c) Appoint the personnel of the WB University in accordance with the procedures approved by the WBU Council, so as to ensure the highest intellectual and moral quality of that personnel;
(d) Direct and develop the staff of the WB University;
(e) Set up such advisory bodies as may be necessary, including where appropriate representatives of interested WFB’s Regional Centres and other organizations particularly concerned with the activities of the WB University;
(f) Make arrangements with governments and international as well as national public and private organizations with a view to offering and receiving services related to the activities of the WB University;
(g) After consultation with the Chairman of the WBU Council, accept, on behalf of the WB University, voluntary contribution, donation and gifts to the WB University from governments, international and national organizations, foundations and other non-governmental sources, for all purposes related to the activities of the WB University;
(h) Coordinate the total Buddhist research and training programmes of the WB University with the activities of the WFB and its Regional Centres and, so far as possible, with research programmes of the world scholastic community;
(i) Report to the WBU Council in accordance with the rules of procedures on the activities of the WB University and the execution of its plans of work;
(j) Submit the long-term development plan of the WB University to the WBU Council for approval;
(k) Provide the necessary services to the WFB and the WBU Council.
(l) Others to be assigned by the Council.
The WB University Centre shall assist the Rector in the performance of the following tasks:
(a) Programme and plan subjects of Buddhist research and areas of training for the WB University and conclude contracts for Buddhist research and training activities with a view to achieving the aims and objectives of the WB University and to ensuring the highest academic standards and universality of approaches;
(b) Administer the overall University programme and fund it in accordance with the approved budget.
(c) Promote exchanges of scholars, Buddhist philosophical and applied ideas and information within the world Buddhist community, particularly in the WFB Regional Centres, by making use as appropriate methods of conferences and workshops.
(d) Serve as a depository of information regarding the expertise available on subjects of relevance to the work of the WB University, in cooperation with the WFB’s Regional Centres and existing information systems.
(e) Maintain an up-to-date roster of qualified scholars from all parts of the world who are experts in the present and prospective fields of Buddhist research of the WB University, and assist the research, training and Buddhist practice centres and programmes in finding competent scholars as necessary.
(f) Collect information of Buddhist courses and curriculum, Buddhist studies and relevant field offered in universities in the world as a Buddhist studies data pool of the WB University.
(g) Maintain close coordination between the activities of the WB University and those of the organs and programmes of the WFB and its Regional Centres.
(h) Serve as Headquarters of the WB University.
(i) Perform such other functions as the Rector may determine.
1. The University shall include a certain number of Buddhist research and training centres and programmes established or to be established in various WFB Regional Centres. Their creation and their incorporation to the WB University shall be by decision of the WBU Council.
2. Each Buddhist research and training centre or programme shall be under the authority of a Director. The Directors shall collaborate with the Rector, in particular in order to ensure the coordination of programmes of research and training.
3. The Conference of Directors of research and training centres and programmes shall be called by the Rector periodically to review and evaluate programmes of research being undertaken, and advise and assist the Rector in the improvement of current programmes and in the definition and planning of new programmes for the WB University system.
1. The academic and administrative personnel of the WB University shall be selected with a view to achieving its stated objectives. The basic criteria for selection shall be the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity; with due regard to appropriate representation in terms of WFB Regional Centres.
2. The personnel of the University shall consist of:
(a) Academic personnel;
(b) Administrative personnel;
(c) Trainees and
(d) others to be assigned by the WBU Council.
it is being understood that the assignment of personnel to each of these categories shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the statutes adopted by the WBU Council.
3. The academic personnel shall be composed of:
(a) The Rector;
(b) Vice-Rectors for academic, administrative, finance and others;
(c) The directing personnel, i.e. the Rector’s senior collaborators in various WFB Regional Centres and the Directors of Buddhist research, training and Buddhist practice centres and programmes;
(d) Research personnel, visiting professors, visiting fellows and consultants;
(e) Buddhist scholars;
(f) educational programme directors and
(g) other to be assigned by the WBU Council.
All members of the academic personnel shall enjoy in their research, training and Buddhist work and the academic freedom guaranteed by the WBU Council.
4. The personnel of the WBU shall be solely responsible to the Rector in the exercise of their functions.
5. The academic personnel and such administrative personnel as may be provided for in the WB University budget established by the WBU Council shall be appointed by the Rector on behalf of the President of the WFB.
6. The academic and administrative personnel other than the personnel referred in the Charter, and the trainees shall, in the case of personnel serving at the WB University Centre, be appointed by the Rector, and in other cases shall be appointed in accordance with the terms of the decision of the WBU Council establishing the research and Buddhist training centre or programme in question, or of the agreement bringing such centre or programme within the framework of the WB University.
1. Capital costs and recurrent costs of the WB University shall be met from voluntary contributions and donation for the WB University, of from other income derived therefrom, made:
(a) By governments, directly or through the World Fellowship of Buddhists, the WFB’s Regional Centres, networking institutions, and other related agencies;
(b) By non-governmental sources, including foundations, universities and individuals.
(c) By fees for enrolment;
(d) By financial support from abroad;
(e) By Governments of the countries where the regional centres and networking organizations are located respectively;
(f) By other sources to be assigned;
2. The Rector may also accept assistance for the WB University’s projects, particularly fellowships, from the WFB and its Regional Centres as well as other intergovernmental organizations.
3. Contributions which may directly and indirectly involve an immediate of ultimate financial liability for the WB University, or which involve a new activity not yet included in its programme, may be accepted only with the approval of the WBU Council.
4. The funds of the WB University shall be kept in a separate account entitled "WBU FUND" to be established by the Secretary-General of the WFB in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the WFB.
5. The funds of the WB University shall be held and administered solely for the purposes of the WB University. The Secretary-General of the WFB shall perform all necessary financial and accounting functions for the WB University, including the custody of its funds, and shall prepare and certify the annual accounts showing the status of WBU FUND special account.
6. The Financial Regulations and the Financial Rules of the WB University shall apply to the financial operations of the WB University subject to such special rules and procedures as the Rector, in agreement with the WFB Secretary-General, may issue after consultations with the WBU Council.
7. The Rector shall prepare the budget estimates for the WB University in manner consistent with the WB University and WFB regulations, rules, policies and procedures. The estimates shall be submitted to the WBU Council for approval.
8. Funds administered by and for the WB University shall, as provided in the Financial Regulations of the WFB, be subject to audit by the WFB’s Auditor.
9. The general administrative, personnel and financial services of the WFB may be utilized by the WB University on conditions determined in consultation between the WFB Secretary-General and the Rector. It is understood that no extra cost to the regular budget of the WFB will be incurred.
1. The WB University shall have its headquarters at the WFB headquarters in Bangkok, where the WB University authorities and the WB University Centre shall be located.
2. The location of the Associated Institutions and Centres of the WB University, as provided for under Article III.2, shall be decided and approved by the WBU Council, in accordance with rules that may be made for this purpose by the WBU Council.
3. Each associated institution or centre shall be under the authority of a Director. The Director shall collaborate with the Rector, in particular for the purpose of ensuring the co-ordination of programmes through the WB University networks.
4. The Conference of Directors of Research, Training and Buddhist Practice Centres and Educational Programmes shall be called by the Rector periodically to review and evaluate programmes being undertaken, and advise and assist the Rector in improving current programmes and defining and planning new programmes for the WB University system.
5. The WB University shall encourage a development of Buddhist research and training institutes and programmes in the WFB Regional Centres around the world. The global WB University system is coordinated by the WB University Centre.
1. The WB University is an autonomous organ of the WFB and shall enjoy the status, privileges and immunities provided in the related articles of the WFB’s Constitution and in other agreements relating to the WB University’s status and privileges to be accorded by the host countries and/or the WFB’s Regional Centres where the academic networks, research, training and Buddhist practice centres are located respectively.
2. The WB University may acquire and dispose of real and personal property, and may take other legal actions necessary for the performance of its functions.
3. The WB University may enter into agreements, contracts or arrangements with governments, organizations, institutions, firms or individuals for the purpose of carrying out its activities.
1. The emblem of the World Buddhist University consists of the triratna symbol above the Dhammacakka (or dharmacakra) inside the shield with ribbon imprinted with ‘The World Buddhist University.’ The description of the emblem is as follows:
(a) The Triratna* (Pali: tiratna) is a Buddhist symbol thought to visually represent the Three Jewels of Buddhism (the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha). It is sometimes also known as Nandiyavatta which means turning the wheel of dharma clockwise symbolising the deliverance of the first sermon of the Buddha. The Triratna symbol is composed of dhammacakra within a circle, a diamond rod or Vajra, and a trident with three branches, representing the threefold jewels of Buddhism: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
(b) The trident jewels also represents three virtues of the Buddha which accordingly developed to be the current main lineages of Buddhism. Each lineage of Buddhism emphasises on different Buddha’s virtues: Vajrayana (emphasis on wisdom virtue-Buddha), Theravada (emphasis on purity virtue-dharma) and Mahayana (emphasis on compassion-sangha).
(c) Dhammacakka, meaning the wheel of Dhamma, refers to the First Sermon which is called "Dhammacakkappavattanasutta" that the Buddha gave to the first five disciples by which the wheel of Dhamma began revolving to reveal the truth of life. The Blessed One pointed out the true condition of life in the Four Noble Truths and the middle way of practice of "Majjhima Patipada" that leads to extinction of suffering according to the Eightfold Noble Path symbolized by the eight spokes in the Wheel of Dhamma, meaning thereby the wheel of proclaiming the Dhamma began to move and has been revolving ever since.
(d) The two ends of diamond Vajra in between dhammacakra and trident jewels are Buddhist wisdoms including sustainable growth and perpetuity of Buddhism on compassion and wisdom by which Buddhism has brought enlightenment to mankind in order to refine our thought and action.
(e) The trident jewels represents not only Buddhist triple gems but an ABC of Buddhism itself. Buddha is Awakening, Dharma is Balance and Sangha is Compassionate community, the ABC of Buddhism. Moreover, it represent heart of Buddhism: sīla as community, Samādhi as balance, and Paññā as Awakening.
(f) The middle of the trident jewel is the heart of the Buddha, education for awakening (Nibbāna), which can apply both in secular (lokiya) and sacred (lokuttara) worlds represented by two stems of lotus flowers spring out left and right of the heart of the Buddha.
(g) The colouring of the emblem are made of colour of the Buddhist flag. The six vertical bands of the flag represent the six colours of the aura emanated from the body of the Buddha when he attained the Buddhahood. Each colour represents: Blue (Nīla): The Spirit of Universal Compassion, Yellow (Pīta): The Middle Way, Red (Lohita): The Blessings of Practice – achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune and dignity, White (Odāta): The Purity of Dhamma – leading to liberation, timeless, Orange (Manjesta): The Wisdom of the Buddha's teachings. The sixth vertical band, on the fly, is made up of a combination of rectangular bands of the five other colours, and represents a compound of the other five colours in the aura’s spectrum. This compound colour is referred to as the Truth of the Buddha's teaching Pabbhassara (‘essence of light’).
(h) All the essence of Buddhism is ‘One Buddhism’ represented by the shield.
(i) The ribbon imprinting ‘The World Buddhist University’ decorating the shield depicts that the WBU’s prime task is to preserve, promote, and propagation of that very ‘One Buddhism.’ The ultimate goal
* The Triratna symbol can be found on frieze sculptures at Sanchi as the symbol crowning a flag standard (2nd century BCE), as a symbol of the Buddha installed on the Buddha's throne (2nd century BCE), as the crowning decorative symbol on the later gates at the stupa in Sanchi (2nd century CE), or, very often on the Buddha footprint (starting from the 1st century CE). The Triratna is also on the 1st century BCE coins of the Kingdom of Kuninda.
1. Amendments of the Charter may be made by the General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists.
2. After consultation with The WFB Executive Council, the Honorary Secretary-General of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, at the request of the WB University Council or after consultation with it, may propose amendments.
1. Pending the recommendations of the WB University Council in respect of the conditions of service of the different categories of the WB University's personnel, their status will be determined as provided in Article VII with recommendation of the WFB President.
2. Operation of the WB University is divided into two phases as follow:
(a) The First Phase during BE 2542-2543 (CE 1999-2000) will focus on the educational system and the emphasis shall be given to research, training, Buddhist practice, academic seminar, exchange of Buddhist resource persons and development of the WB University to be ready for the academics, management and financing in accordance with the Second Phase.
(b) The Second Phase shall begin from BE 2544 (CE 2001) onwards during which the WB University will enjoy academics, management and financial support that may enable the WB University to expand its operation to link formal, non-formal and informal education with the needs of local and global societies.
3. Official functioning of the University will commence after the Inaugural Ceremony.
4. Functions and responsibilities of the Ad Hoc Committee on the World Buddhist University (WBU) assigned in accordance with the resolution of the 56th Meeting of The WFB's Executive Council shall be transferred to the WB University Centre upon an official inaugural ceremony of the World Buddhist University in the host country through the good offices of the Headquarters of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB)
5. In pursuance of requests made for consideration of the 20th General Conference by the Hsi Lai University, Los Angeles country, California, U.S.A and the Buddhist Discussion Centre (Upwey) Ltd., Victoria, Australia, the following are approved as Associated Institutions under Article III.2:
1. The International Academy of Buddhism of the Hsi Lai University, Los Angeles County, California, USA as an academic research and training centre and
2. The Buddhist Discussion Centre (Upwey) Ltd., as a Buddhist training centre.
6. The Third Phase shall begin from BE 2562 (CE 2019) onwards during which the WB University focus more on developing the WB University as the virtual Buddhist universities centre. Encourage the WFB Regional Centres to develop WB University desk in their own centres. Develop interactive web portal to facilitate students to find favourable Buddhist courses from WBU world Buddhist study data pool. Encourage new applicable Buddhist researches. Organize Buddhist study workshops, seminars and conferences to disseminate and train on new ideas on Buddhist applications and propagation, particularly to the WFB members and WFB Regional Centres as well as educational intuitions and general public. Publish new works on Buddhism.