Non-Degree Program

Buddhist Stydy

Pali Language



Buddhism is one of the subjects which you can learn remotely through many educational and/or Buddhist institutions globally. Buddhism or Buddhist studies is a broad field of study that includes studies in anthropology, sociology, ethnomusicology, history, philosophy, psychology, religion, mindfulness, language, and many more. Today, many Buddhism-related subjects are available for learners to study remotely at their own leisure.

Online learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and distance learning, is a way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face contact with a teacher in the classroom. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education.



Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies

The OCBS was established in 2004. It promotes the academic study within the University, and elsewhere, of Buddhist texts, societies, theories and practices. It is committed to maintaining the highest academic standards.


Buddhism Courses

Study the role and impact of Buddhism on society and culture with free online classes from top institutions like Harvard University.


Tricycle Online Courses

Tricycle Online Courses offer practical and engaging opportunities to study with expert teachers from a variety of Buddhist schools and traditions.

Buddhist Studies Online

Where the cushion meets the academy - making accessible the highest quality and most cutting-edge research and teachings on Buddhism for students and practitioners around the world. Buddhist studies Online offer online courses and training on the history, philosophy, and languages of Buddhism.

The Great Courses

Buddhism is your opportunity to trace the history, principles, and evolution of a theology that is both familiar and foreign.

The Open Buddhist University

A Free Buddhist Education

Rigorous academics and thorough content coverage, the University offers a comprehensive foundation in Buddhist studies.



Learn Pali channel provides simple online Pali grammar lessons aimed at the beginner - in English. The series of tutorials builds and explains in simple terms the mechanics of Pāli grammar.

Mindfulness Class

Mindful School

Mindful School is a nonprofit organization that trained over 60,000 educators, parents, and mental health professionals in integrating mindfulness into their work with youth.

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