Bhikkhu Bodhi Archives

Ven. Bodhi has many important publications to his credit, either as author, translator or editor.

YEAR 2020

USA: "Fear in the Face of the Virus" Chuang Yen Monastery, NY, USA Apr 8, 2020.

USA: "Fear in the Face of the Virus" Chuang Yen Monastery, NY, USA Mar 30, 2020.

USA: "Fear in the Face of the Virus" Chuang Yen Monastery, NY, USA Mar 23, 2020.

YEAR 2019

USA: "Walking Homeless in India" at The Buddhist Association Of The United States20 May 2019.

USA: "Finding Joy in the Wholesome" how cultivating happiness creates a foundation for Samādhi, Aug 11, 2019.

USA: "What and How Buddha attained Enlightenment, Jan 30, 2019

YEAR 2018

USA: "What Makes a Life Truly Worthwhile?" Dhammapada verses 110-115 which address what should be the purpose of our life from a Buddhist perspective. The verses mention moral restraint, meditation, samadhi, insight, and wisdom.

USA: "The Theravada Abhidhamma" Dharma Realm Buddhist University Extension hosted Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi for a lecture series at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Ukiah, CA.

USA: "Solidarity as Compassion" In September, 200 Buddhists gathered in New York to brainstorm solutions to social issues and discuss the prospect of a joint Buddhist action movement.

USA: the unique role of samadhi in Buddhism. Read Bhikkhu Bodhi's translations of the Pali Canon at April 26, 2018.

YEAR 2017

USA: "Wealth, Inequality, and Social Responsibility: A Buddhist Perspective" December 8, 2017.

YEAR 2016

USA: "Bridging The Two Vehicles" at Texas Jade Buddha Temple on 13 November 2016.

USA: "Majjhima Nikaya" 1 July, 2016.

YEAR 2015

USA: "The Four Noble Truths of the Climate Crisis" Description for the US Buddhist Leaders Conference at George Washington and the White House, Washington, DC on May 14 2015

YEAR 2012

USA: The Noble Eightfold Path, Lecture on 26 March 2012.


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